Surgical Intervention of Non-cerebral Coenurosis in Sheep- Case Study


  • Jalajakshi Kopparthi Sri Venkateswara Veterinary University, Tirupathi INDIA
  • Chandra Kala M. Sri Venkateswara Veterinary University
  • Malakondaiah P Sri Venkateswara Veterinary University
  • Deepti Swapnalatha W Sri Venkateswara Veterinary University


Sheep, non- cerebral coenurosis, cystic fluid analysis


This study reports a rare case of non-cerebral coenurosis in sheep. A sheep with bilateral mandibular swelling presented with a history of weakness, dullness in appearance, pain, unable to chew grass for the past seven days. The visual examination and palpation revealed the presence of a coenurus cerebralis cyst. Both the cysts were removed with a surgical intervention using local anesthesia and the cystic fluid was subjected to analysis. The sheep regained their body weight and recovered completely within two months period. This approach of surgical intervention-involved treatment coupled with antibiotic therapy was proven to be an efficient way of managing non-cerebral coenurosis cases. The removed cyst was identified as a non-cerebral coenurus cyst based on the characteristic morphological features, such as the presence of the bladder filled with watery fluid surrounded by a thin, fibrous, and semi-opaque transparent membrane with numerous scolices attached to its inner surface. The cystic fluid analysis revealed the presence of total proteins, lymphocytes, and monocytes with a range of total nucleated cells from 87 to 166 and a foamy cytoplasmic appearance.


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How to Cite

Kopparthi, J., M., C. K., P, M., & W, D. S. (2022). Surgical Intervention of Non-cerebral Coenurosis in Sheep- Case Study. International Journal of Livestock Research, 12(11), 28–33. Retrieved from

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