Zootechnical Performance of Boer Cross Goat Populations in Grazing System in Northern Burundi
Billy Boer, Indigenous Goats, Live Weight, Measurements, MortalityAbstract
This study aimed to estimate the zootechnical performance of kids resulting from the crossing between indigenous female goats and Billy goat Boers in the pasture system in the northern region of Burundi. Zootechnical parameters were monthly recorded from birth to breeding age in the form of longitudinal monitoring and concerned mortality rates, live weight, and body measurements. The results showed that the mortality rates for indigenous kids and kids crossed Boers goats were 15.6% and 23.5% respectively. For each category of weaned kids’ mortality rates are higher during the rainy season with 18.1% and 9.4% for Boer-crossed kids and indigenous kids respectively. The live weights were 2.7±0.52 kg at birth; 5.6 ± 0.35 kg at 1 month; 8.1 ± 1.35 kg at 3 months; 13.2 ± 0.91 kg at 6 months and 20.4 ± 1.21 kg at 9 months for the group of crossbred kids Boers against 1.8±0.38 kg, 3.8±0.12 kg, 6.8±0.12 kg, 9.3±0.23 kg and 13.4±0.23 kg for the group of indigenous kids’ goats at same age. Body measurements in the group of Boer crossbred kids were 67.2 ± 1.5 cm for thoracic perimeter; 54.4 ± 1.4 cm for height at the withers; 57.7 ± 1.6 cm for body length and 21.9±0.1 cm depth of the chest against 59.1±1.9 cm, 47.2±2.1 cm; 54.8±0.9 cm and 19.6±0.7 cm for the group of indigenous kid’s goats. A highly significant difference was observed between the two genetic groups with a larger difference in the group of Boer-crossed kid’s goats and indigenous kids of 3 months. This study concluded that the crossbreeding program between Boer goats and local female goats could be effective if accompanied by a careful selection of native female goats.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Munyaneza Napoleon, Albert Iribagiza, Jean Bosco Ntirandekura, Mélance Ntunzwenimana, Josiane Manirakiza

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