Salmonellosis As a Global Foodborne Pathogen: A Review


  • Begna Bulcha Wallaga University, School of Veterinary Medicine, Nekemte, ETHIOPIA
  • Gemachu Kinati Leka Dullacha District Livestock and Fishery development, Jarso Gute Veterinary Clinic, ETHIOPIA


Contamination, Foodborne, Public Health, Salmonella


Salmonella is a ubiquitous bacterium of worldwide public health concern, contributing to the economic burden of both industrialized and underdeveloped countries through the costs associated with surveillance, prevention, and treatment of disease. At this time, over 2500 Salmonella serotypes have been recognized and more than half of them belong to Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica, which accounts for the majority of Salmonella infections in humans. This review aims to highlight the background information on Salmonella as a food-borne pathogen and illustrate the breaking point of this food-borne pathogen along with its economic and public health burden. The pathogen naturally exists in the environment and animals and its byproducts. Food-borne transmission is recognized as the major cause of salmonella infections. Poultry, pigs, and cattle, and their products like meat, eggs, and milk are most commonly identified as food sources responsible for outbreaks of human salmonellosis. Risk factors like the habit of raw animal product consumption, unstandardized slaughtering process, and nonhygienic food-preparation procedures may put people at of Salmonella infection.  Thus, to the effect collaboration between human and veterinary practitioners is very crucial to increase the awareness and education toward the disease, especially among susceptible risky groups.


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How to Cite

Bulcha, B., & Kinati, G. (2024). Salmonellosis As a Global Foodborne Pathogen: A Review. International Journal of Livestock Research, 14(1), 8–20. Retrieved from

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