Study on Socio-Personal, Socio-Economic and Infrastructural Demography of Tribal and Non-Tribal respondents in Jalpaiguri and Hooghly District of the State West Bengal, India


  • Promit Ghosal Ph.D. Scholar, Dept. of Agriculture & Rural Development, W.B. State University, Barasat, Kolkata-700125, W.B. INDIA
  • A. Goswami Professor, Dept. of VAHEE, WBUAFS, Kolkata-700125, W.B. INDIA
  • Keshab Dhara DDF, WBUAFS, Kolkata-700125, W.B. INDIA
  • Biswajit Pal Astt. Prof., WBSU, Barasat, Kolkata-700125, W.B. INDIA
  • Sukanta Biswas Assoc. Professor; Dept. of VAHEE, WBUAFS, Kolkata-700125, W.B. INDIA


Demography, Infrastructure, Non-Tribal, Socio-Economic, Socio-personal, Tribal


The study was conducted in purposively selectedsample population taken from the Toto tribe of Jalpaiguri district and in non-tribal rural people of Hooghly district in the state of West Bengal, India. The study covered randomly selected a total of 100 tribal and 100 non-tribal people as key informants including locally well-known traditional healers and mid-wives in the study area.The findings revealed the difference among age group, religion, caste, education level, occupation, marital status, type, size and income of family in both tribal and non-tribal villages are highly significant (p<0.01) while in case of gender, it is non-significant (p>0.01).The Housing & living condition under infrastructural demography, found that majority of the people are used to either Mud or Bricks in rural non-tribal village, while reverse result i.e. majority of the rural tribal people are using other materials i.e. Bamboos, Thatches & Jungle woods for wall of the House, while majority of the people uses Tiles, Straws or Concrete in rural non-tribal village.The study signifies the dependency of the rural Tribal and non-tribal peoples on traditional medicines, considering their socio-economic, socio-personal and demographic status in the functional area of Jalpaiguri& Hooghly district of the State West Bengal, India.


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How to Cite

Ghosal, P., Goswami, A., Dhara, K., Pal, B., & Biswas, S. (2023). Study on Socio-Personal, Socio-Economic and Infrastructural Demography of Tribal and Non-Tribal respondents in Jalpaiguri and Hooghly District of the State West Bengal, India. International Journal of Livestock Research, 13(7), 13–23. Retrieved from

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