The Histology of the liver in dogs
Liver anatomy
Liver, Dog, Histology, kupffer cells, HepatocytesAbstract
The study was undertaken to document the histological details of liver in adult dogs. The liver was collected from six freshly dead dogs of spitz breed aged between 2-4 years (irrespective of sex) and studied for their histological details. The microscopic structure of liver is conceptualized as acinus and the lobule. The acinus was a smallest functional unit of the liver. Lobule was the structural unit of liver. The liver was compound tubular type of gland with thin layer of connective tissue capsule was found surrounding the parenchyma. The liver parenchyma was consisted of capsule, septa and hepatic lobules with the arrangement of hepatocytes in radiating cords from centre to the periphery. Sinusoids were found between the hepatic cords of cells. Hepatocytes were large polyhedral shaped eosinophilic cells. The sinusoids were lined with sinusoidal endothelial cells and contained Kupffer cells. The portal areas contained branches of portal vein, hepatic artery and bile duct.
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