Serum-Peritoneal creatinine ratio in the diagnosis of Uroperitoneum in a Gir bull
Serum-Peritoneal creatinine ratio
Cattle, Anuria, Uroabdomen, Abdominocentesis, serum-peritoneal creatinine ratioAbstract
A 6-year-old Gir bull was referred to the Veterinary Clinical Complex, Veterinary College and Research Institute Orathanadu, Thanjavur with the history of anuria and anorectic for the past 5 days. Clinical examination revealed distended abdomen with fluid thrill, shrunken eyeball and pale conjunctival mucus membrane. On rectal examination, slightly distended urinary bladder and no feces in the rectum. Trans-rectal ultrasonographic examination revealed thickened urinary bladder and around the bladder anechoic fluid content was noticed. On trans-abdominal ultrasonographic examination anechoic fluid and floating of the abdominal viscera. Serum biochemistry revealed elevated BUN (40 mg/dl) and creatinine (2.6 mg/dl) were noticed. Similarly, in peritoneal fluid also increased BUN (112 mg/dl) and creatinine (15 mg/dl) were observed.The peritoneal-serum creatinine ratio was greater than 5, which clearly indicates presence of urine in the peritoneum. Based on the ultrasound and serum-peritoneal creatinine ratio the present case was diagnosed as uroperitoneum in a gir bull.
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