Effect of Low Protein Diets Balanced with Limiting Amino Acids on Production Efficiency and Egg Characteristics in Swarnadhara Layers
Dietary crude protein, Egg production, Egg quality, Egg weight, Feed efficiency, Limiting amino acidsAbstract
The effect of reducing crude protein (CP) with supplementation of limiting amino acids was evaluated in an experimental trial using Swarnadhara layers. Egg production parameters and egg quality were studied in 240 layers in a completely randomized design in 5 treatments with 6 replications of 8 birds in each. ICAR 2013 specifications for improved native chicken breeds were followed for formulating the control diet (T1) which was based on corn soya bean meal with 16% CP and 2700 kcal ME. The diets T2 to T5 were made isocaloric to control and composed with 15.5,15,14.5 and 14% CP respectively, ensuring the levels of limiting amino acids namely methionine lysine, threonine as that of control by adding synthetic preparation. The data on egg production parameters are presented on the basis of hen day egg number, feed efficiency on a dozen egg basis, and period-wise egg weight (EW) during 29- 40 weeks remained statistically non-significant among various dietary groups. The values for eggshell thickness recorded in CP reduced groups (T3, T4, and T5) were comparable with control (T1) except T2 and also comparable among themselves. The mean shape index, albumen index, yolk index, and Haugh Unit score did not show any significant difference among various dietary treatments. In summary, the crude protein content of the Swarnadhara layer diet can be reduced to 14% by limiting AA fortification without any adverse effect on egg production and egg quality during 29-40 weeks of age.
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