The Dam’s milk yield and growth performance of Black Bengal kids under semi-intensive production system in Bangladesh
Black Bengal Goats, Growth Performance, Milk YieldAbstract
The aim of the present study was to assess the dam’s milk yield and growth performance of Black Bengal kids under a semi-intensive production system in Bangladesh. Data were collected from 7 bucks, 35 does, and 58 of their progenies and analyzed using the SAS computer program (2000). The result indicated that the survivability and growth performance of kids were significantly (p<0.05) affected by the milk yield, body condition score, and parity of does as well as buck. Moreover, the results also revealed that the litter size and milk yield of the does were significantly (p<0.05) affected by the body condition score and parity. The highest survivability of the kids was noticed in the case of dams with milk yield > 600 ml per day, body condition score 2, and parity 3. The highest birth weight (1.38±0.16 kg) and body weight at the different stages were found by using buck ID No. 01. On the other hand, in respect of milk yield and body condition score, the highest birth weight and growth performance were observed in dams with milk yield >600 ml per day and a body condition score of 3. However, the highest litter size (2.00±0.39) was observed in dams with a body condition score of 2. Similarly, in the case of parity, the highest litter size (1.60±0.5) was found in dams with parity 2. Besides these, the maximum milk yield was found in dams with a body condition score of 4 in parity 2, and the lowest in dams with a body condition score of 2 in parity 1. Therefore, the study revealed that the milk yield, body condition score, and parity of does play a significant role in the survivability and growth performance of the kids. So, it can be concluded that these factors must be considered for improving the growth performance and survivability of the kids.
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