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Liver and Pancreas of Mizo Local Pig (Zovawk): A Histomorphological and Histochemical Analysis

Pranab Chandra Kalita Arup Kalita Probal Jyoti Doley Om Prakash Choudhary Hemen Das Swarup Debroy
Vol 9(1), 150-156

The present study was conducted on liver and pancreas of six apparently healthy Zovawk animal of either sex to elucidate its histological nature. Tissue samples were collected as such and were preserved in 10% NBF and Bouin’s solution for light microscopic examination. Zovawk liver was characterized by the thick Glisson’s capsule and thick connective tissue septa which divide liver into hexagonal hepatic lobules. Numerous hepatocytes with centrally placed large, rounded nucleus were presents inside the hepatic lobules. The sinusoids were formed between the hepatic cell cords and separated from the hepatocytes by a perisinusoidal space. Sinusoids were lined by stellate shaped Kupffer’s cells. Histologically, in zovawk pancreas, exocrine and endocrine portion was visualized. The exocrine portion of the pancreas was made up of secretory units and duct system. The secretory units were tubulo-alveolar with more acinar portion. The islets of Langerhans which represented the endocrine portion of the zovawk pancreas appeared as pale areas among the acini. The cells of the islets were arranged as irregular cords surrounding the blood capillaries. Mainly two types of prominent cells were found in the pancreatic islets, i.e. A cells or alpha cells and B cells or beta cells. B cells were more numerous than the A cells in the islets of Langerhans which was characterized by the spherical nucleus and located almost all over the islets. Whereas A cells were characterized by the oval nucleus and distributed mainly in the center of the islets.

Keywords : Histological Hepatocytes Liver Pancreas Zovawk

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